







The Persephone Project

It’s my strong conviction the myth of the spring goddess Persephone and her partner Hades/Pluto - god of the underworld - is far out the most important one history brought to us. However I believe it to be a mistake looking at it as 'a story from a long forgotten past'. 
These two archetypes are still very powerful and alive deep in ourselves. Symbolizing the unity between live and dead. Which we mortals can’t experience to it’s full extend for as long as we will remain merely bounded to our material realities. 

'What's in a name' are words of significant wisdom. At least I have experienced myself the invoking of the name Persephone often brought out her sensual radiance.  Surrounded by the fragrance and beauty of flowers, she wakes us up to the deeper dimensions of life. Even now a days.
I feel a special affection for this goddess. And therefore it couldn’t be just a coincidence I stumbeld up to a site which seemed to be totally inspired by her. The Persephone theme turned out to be a common interest of the web-mistress and myself. That was the start of such a typical internet friendship between two women who never met in the flesh, but touched and inspired eachothers heart over the boundaries of time and space.
From this friendship the idea for the Persephone project popped up.
We are intending to publish several columns written by Mari Alvig. The columns are also published at Suite101.com, but now will be illustrated by me. I hope to give them the mysterious and abundant radiance which is worthy to honor the spring goddess.

Something else.
Working on this project is very inspiring, but also made me realise how much I  have been into pixels lately, while it was never meant for my sites to become merely picture books. 
I did a lot of writing in the past and therefore I thought it
appropriate to include a  lexture of myself about the Perspehone/Pluto myth. It explains why I consider this archetypal couple to be the most important and intriging of all.

The lecture was originally on tape and made for my clients. As I was used to talk just out of the blue without making any written notifications it took me quite a while to get the one and half hour of spoken text on paper. 
While I was working on it I decided to add a second part about the influence this couple has on modern life. So the lecture matured and expanded into the book: Perspehone's pomegranate
In the light of the tragic events after 11-9-2001 I think it will be quite an eye-opener.  

There is however a problem. It's available in Dutch only. Neither I have time, or skill to make a suitable translation for you guys.
I can only hope a nice Dutch visitor might find it interesting enough to give a helping hand one day. 
Anyway, this is another reason why I am very pleased the columns of Mari Alvig are written in English. There is plenty of wisdom in her words to make up for the fact I can only write in my own native tongue.

Because I have indulged myself in decorating it has become necessary to offer plain text. Each article has a plain text button leading you to a pop-up window for easy reading and printing.

                           Hope you will enjoy this project,
