Birds of paradise

  Birds of paradise is - al dow she passed away already many years ago - a homage to my mother.
It contains the following
  • a story which will give an impression about my inspiration for this item
  • a digital movie inspired by the music of Snowy White
  • a selection of stills used for the movie

My mother passed away at the respectable age of eighty-seven years old. A couple of years before she surprisingly asked us  at her funeral to play Birds of paradise by Snowy White. Cause she never had been able to make such wishes real lucid, it took quite some effort to understand which music was she choose.

Mothers life was like a sort of ever lasting pilgrimage to the only place she ever felt warm and safe. Like a little birdie which had been whipped out of the nest, just because she didn't fit in. Without a good reason for it my grandmother found the birth of this daughter a burden she wasn't willing to take up. 'That's why the baby, merely three weeks old, was sent to a farmers family who took her in with open arms and took care of her till her puberty. A couple of times a year the lady traveled out to the country side. With no love in her eyes, but with arms filled up with the wrong sort of presents her daughter only felt embarrassed about.

